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Mental Health and Mental Illness

What is mental health?

Mental health is much like physical health: it is how healthy you are in your brain, which includes our feelings, thoughts, and functioning. Mental health is really important because it affects how we behave, think, and feel. Our mental health can also affect aspects of our body’s physical health, such as our sleeping or eating habits. Taking care of mental health is important for everyone! Check out the “Mental Health and Physical Health” section for tips to stay physically and mentally healthy!


What is mental illness?

Mental illnesses are a sort of sickness in which chemical changes in the brain that negatively impact the way people think, feel, and function. These illnesses can make it hard for people to go about their day-to-day lives and form positive relationships with other people. 

There are many different types of mental illnesses, such as depression, anxiety, OCD, eating, and personality disorders. Many people are affected by mental illnesses-about 20% of Americans every year. People with mental illness are normal people who have problems that make their daily lives more challenging.  










Signs and Symptoms of Mental illness


Some mental health conditions might be harder to recognize than others, but some common signs of mental illnesses can include:


  • Behaving unusually (big changes in behavior)

  • Changes in sleeping 

  • Changes in eating habits.

  • Feeling sad.

  • Not enjoying things that they used to like.

  • Having problems with memory, thinking, and concentration.

  • Lack of interest in participating in many activities.

If you have started to experience these behaviors yourself or see them in a friend, you should speak to a trusted adult about how to get help or use the resources on our “Resources” page.


If you are concerned about a friend,  listen to what they tell you. If they say anything that makes you think they want to hurt themselves or someone else, tell a trusted adult as soon as possible. If you can’t find a trusted adult, call 911. You could save a life by reporting someone’s harmful ideas or plans.


Treating Mental Illnesses


Therapy is a common treatment for mental health issues. Therapy is a process where people express their feelings and concerns with a mental health professional. There are many types of therapy, and most people know about Talk therapy. But there are also expressive therapies

like Art therapy, Music therapy, theatre therapy, nature therapy, and

animal Therapy-like Equine Therapy,  which is working with horses.

Each can help people with all types of needs. It’s important to know

that people with mental illnesses can’t just “snap out of it,”

so being able to work with a health professional like a therapist can

be important. Therapy is always a good idea to consider since it helps

many people. 


Reach out to trusted adults, such as life coaches and mentors 


Medicine: medicine prescribed by a doctor can improve mental health, and works best when the person is also going to therapy.



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